
How Dads Can Help with Nutrition with Dezi Abeyta

Before I closed my private practice last May, I noticed more and more fathers were calling in to make appointments and seek help for their family’s nutrition.

Dads have such a powerful role in helping their children develop healthy eating habits, and they can be a significant role model for the entire family. Today’s guest joins me to help us understand the role fathers play in their children’s nutrition.

How Dads Can Help Kids with Healthy Eating

Dezi Abeyta is the “Dad’s Dietitian” and Founder of Food Talk Nutrition, an online coaching service that helps dads build muscle, confidence, and success for their families with online nutrition and lifestyle coaching. He’s here to talk all about being a father and how to use the role to help kids eat healthily.

Join us this week as we discuss how dads can help kids with healthy eating and some barriers that fathers face in terms of having an impact on their children’s nutrition. Dezi shares the ways he influences his own daughter’s eating habits, and how fathers and families can move past obstacles to embrace the role of Dad as nutrition influencer for the family.

Our role as parents is not to get our kids to eat, it’s to bring the foods and a variety of them to the table and let our kids figure out the eating part. Discover how dads can shine by doing this.

[Download my FREE resource How to Nourish a Healthy Child! This checklist is designed to give you a clear path and the steps you need to take to raise a nourished child, inside and out.]

What You’ll Learn About How Dads Can Help Kids with Nutrition:

  • Why there is so much value in failing.
  • Some obstacles dads face when it comes to helping their kids with healthy eating.
  • How having healthy relationships can boost overall health.
  • The importance of having honest conversations around nutrition.
  • How to stop using food as a weapon to get children to do what we want them to do.
  • Why connection and being present is so important to family life.

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.