
Your Child’s Healthy Relationship with Food with Julie Duffy Dillon

How to build a healthy relationship with food in your child.


How to Create A Healthy Relationship with Food

One of the burning questions I am hearing routinely from parents is this: How can I help my child develop a healthy relationship with food?
Certainly, good eating habits, as well as general food habits, are some key signs of a healthy relationship, but there’s more to the story. What about body image? What about the influence of media and well-intentioned healthcare providers?
I dig into all these questions and more in this episode of The Nourished Child with Julie Duffy Dillon. She is the creator of the Love, Food podcast, a registered dietitian, licensed therapist, and mom.
[bctt tweet=”Learn how YOU can help your child develop a healthy relationship with food.” username=”pediRD”]

What You Will Learn About a Healthy Relationship with Food:

  • How the media misinforms the public about what it means to be healthy
  • Why dieting doesn’t work for the long run (and in fact, it makes things worse)
  • Why messages and beliefs about “thinness equals health” are harmful, even toxic, to children
  • Health can be had at any size
  • Why weight stigma hurts everyone (even thin children)
  • What a healthy relationship with food really looks like
  • How parents can help their child develop a healthy relationship with food
  • How the underpinnings of an eating disorder in children grow and take hold
  • 3 components to the development of an eating disorder
  • Tips to help children feel good about themselves and their bodies

What is Covered in the Episode:

  • The humanizing aspect of raising children (even for professionals!)
  • Why parents need to trust themselves so that their children will learn to trust themselves too
  • Why media coverage of bodies is a social justice issue
  • “Fat” as a descriptor of the body (not as a pejorative, shaming term)
  • How beliefs about body weight and health may lead to poor body image and dieting
  • Why eating disorders are more of a concern for children than Type 2 diabetes
  • Why healthy eating needs to be pleasurable
  • How to talk with children without commenting on their body features
  • What individuals with eating disorders wish was handled differently in their youth

Links Mentioned in this Show:

Julie’s website
Julie’s podcast: Love, Food
AAP Guidelines for talking about weight with kids
Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility
How to Say ‘No’ Nicely to Your Child’s Food Requests
Eating Disorders mini-series (3-part series for parents)

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.