Food Restriction and Forbidden Food
April 13, 2017
Are there foods that are off-limits in your home? Foods you won’t allow your child to eat? Foods you consider unhealthy, toxic, or “bad” for your child? Today I’m talking about food restriction – the controlling feeding practice parents may use to encourage healthier eating–and forbidden foods—those foods that are high-fat, high-sugar, relatively low-nutrient foods such as sweets, chips and sodas. How you handle those foods you consider taboo for your child to eat? Do you forbid or restrict them? We’ll dig into that in this episode of The Nourished Child.
What You Will Learn about Forbidden Food:
- What is food restriction and how it looks in the home
- What do I mean by forbidden food and some examples
- Why some children are more triggered by forbidden food and food restriction than others
- The research behind food restriction
- Why food restriction and forbidden food backfires rather than works well
- Why overweight children are particularly vulnerable to food restriction
- Why kids can become obsessed with food when it is restricted
- Why kids comment, ask, and attempt to get forbidden or restricted food
[bctt tweet=”Food restriction may lead kids to be more focused on the food that is strictly controlled and eat more of it when it’s available.” username=”pediRD”]
What I Discuss in this Episode:
- My story about forbidden food and how it shaped my relationship with food
- The temperament or personality of the child seeds the response to food restriction
- The psychology behind losing control when around a highly restricted (and desirable) food
- Working hard for something you want to eat…and how that influences the eating response when kids get that food
- How eventual access to a forbidden food spikes intake
- 6 ways to handle forbidden food so they are included in the family diet and not restricted
Links I Mention in this Show:
Ellyn Satter Institute
Food Parenting PRO – a workshop series for nutrition professionals
VIP (Very Informed Parent) Summer Series – a 5 Week group coaching program for parents
E-Guides, Books, and Resources from me
The 90:10 Rule
TNC 012: Striking the Sugar Balance in Kids
Setting Boundaries with Food and Eating
Help The Nourished Child Grow!
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Jill Castle, MS, RD
I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.