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Lead, Breastfed Toddlers & Milk Allergy

Lead, Breastfed Toddlers and Milk Allergy


Ask Jill: Lead in Baby Food & More

I’ve been getting a few questions here and there, so I thought I’d devote a show to answering them! In this episode, I unpack the recent news about lead in baby food, clear the air on what breastfed toddlers need for nutrition during their second year of life, and answer a question about choosing the right milk for a child who has a milk allergy.

What You Will Learn:

  • The latest news on lead in baby food
  • Which baby foods contain the most lead
  • How to moderate your baby’s consumption of lead-containing baby food
  • The nutritional requirements of toddlers who continue to breastfeed in the second year
  • How breastmilk contributes nutrition to the toddler’s diet
  • What parents should consider when choosing a milk substitute for their milk allergic child
  • Which alternative milks are most nutritious (FREE GUIDE)

What I Discuss:

  • The prevalence of lead in baby food
  • The keys to avoiding too much lead in your baby’s diet
  • The benefits of continued breastfeeding in the second year of life
  • The nutritional shortfalls of breastmilk for the toddler
  • How to balance breastfeeding and meals so your toddler gets optimal nutrition
  • The key nutrients that are at risk when a child is allergic to milk
  • The differences between milk alternatives (not all substitutes are created equal)
  • Some of the best alternative options for children with milk allergy

Links I Mentioned in the Show:

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The Nourished Child podcast #36: Get kids cooking to increase food knowledge, self-esteem and autonomy with eating. Interview with Jodi Danen, creator of the Kids Create Club.

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Cooking with Kids with Jodi Danen

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School Nutrition Today with Donna Martin

The Nourished Child podcast #38: School nutrition includes school lunch, breakfast, after-school snacks, supper and more. Learn about what's happening today in school nutrition with Donna Martin RD.

Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.