
Body Image Issues in Boys

Dr. Charlotte Markey is back to talk about her new book, Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys! Her book focuses on developing a positive body image for boys aged 12 and above.

Body image issues in boys.

Dr. Markey is a professor of psychology and director of the Health Sciences Center at Rutgers University. Her main research interest is social influences on eating-related behaviors such as body image and attempts at weight loss.

In our conversation, she emphasizes about 90 percent of our body shape and size is hereditary. A considerable element of consumerism results in people holding themselves to unattainable standards for their bodies.

She describes the concept of body neutrality and how it can be a stepping stone towards acceptance or a more positive body image.

Boys spending lots of time in the shower or bathroom is likely a manifestation of their “adaptive appearance investment.” Parents should ensure that their kids not make investments in their appearance that will permanently alter them in one way or another.

Dr. Markey shares tips on what parents can do to help ward off their boys’ body image issues or problems. These include keeping an eye on their kids, especially regarding poor body image extending to eating disorders and mental health problems.

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What You’ll Learn About Body Image Issues in Boys

  • Boys’ dissatisfaction with their body 
  • How social media and societal norms affect perceptions of body image
  • Heritability of body size, shape, and height
  • Indications or hints toward body dissatisfaction in boys
  • How body neutrality can be tied to body confidence or satisfaction
  • How helpful or detrimental is “adaptive appearance investment”
  • Supplements and the protein myth
  • Modeling and talking about masculinity
  • Being careful in talking about appearance culture
  • Developing a healthy relationship with food, physical activity, and mental health

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.