
The Evolution of Sports Nutrition with Nancy Clark

Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark helps parents keep their perspective on sports nutrition for young athletes.

Performance Nutrition is Evolving!

For many families, the Fall season is now upon us, and it is more important than ever that we are feeding our young athletes well. With so much conflicting advice out there, how do we really know what is best for our young ones? What foods will best fuel their long weeks of practice and away games?  
I have invited none other than Nancy Clark onto the show this week. Nancy is the authority on sports dietetics. She is the best-selling author of Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, one of the pioneers of performance nutrition, and a frequent supporter of athletes and teams nationwide. Nancy’s goal is to help her clients feel confident while eating whole, energizing foods to fuel their practice.  
I personally regard Nancy as the Queen of Sports Nutrition. You will not want to miss out on her freeing perspectives on food. 
[bctt tweet=”“Food is a source of pleasure and not a source of fear.” Yes! @nclarkrd” username=”pediRD”]

What  You Will Learn About Sports Nutrition  

  • Focus on good health rather than a performance enhancement from nutrition.  
  • An explanation of the different nutrients and what they do for the athlete.  
  • Nutrition is all about energy.  
  • The truth about sports nutrition products on the market these days.  
  • What to look for when buying supplements. 
  • Mistakes we make when looking at sports nutrition.

[bctt tweet=”“We are lacking in some perspective. All things need to be balanced.” via @nclarkrd” username=”pediRD”] 

What We Discuss 

  • A new study from the American Academy of Pediatrics about youth sports nutrition.  
  • Nancy’s own philosophy on nutrition.  
  • How sports nutrition has evolved over time.  
  • Handling our fear over food and over weight.  
  • Planning ahead helps us balance nutrition and feed our energy needs.  
  • Parents need to be modeling healthy eating practices for her kids.  
  • The future of sports nutrition is a way to get people back to eating whole foods.  
  • Advice for young parents.  

Links I Mention In the Episode  

Help The Nourished Child Grow  

*Some of the links included in the show notes are affiliate links. If you purchase, I will receive a small commission which helps me cover the costs associated with running this site. Many thanks and appreciation!  

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.