
How Can I Support a Healthier Body Image?

Listener question: How can I support a healthier body image in my child? Jill answers and offers resources for parents and their kids.

In this new feature of my show, you can send me your questions through a voice recorder on my website and I’ll be answering them.

Today’s episode is all about helping kids develop a healthier body image. I know it’s something that parents are increasingly concerned about nowadays. The ever-present societal norms dictate what a “perfect” body looks like and social media may put pressure on children regarding their appearance.

In this episode, I’ll answer a reader’s question by exploring some of the research findings around children’s body image and sharing some practical tips and past episodes you can use and revisit to support a healthier body image in your child.

How can I support a heathier body image?

My New Book is out now! How to Nourish Your Big, Small, or In-Between Child for a Lifetime of Health and Happiness

What You’ll Learn About Supporting a Healthier Body Image

  • Helping your child develop a positive relationship with food and their body
  • The impact of social media on children’s body image
  • Navigating picky eating and body image concerns in children
  • Encouraging your child to accept and appreciate different body sizes and shapes
  • Understanding the link between body image and mental health in children
  • Teaching body acceptance at a young age
  • Overcoming your body image issues to support your child
  • Empowering your child to thrive in today’s culture

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.