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Selective Eating and Autism with Rashelle Berry

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a child’s social skills, communication, and behavior, impacting the way a child understands and relates to others. Selective eating and autism often go hand-in-hand.

Kids with autism can fall anywhere on the ASD spectrum, and they are all completely unique in the degree to which they are affected.

Listen to The Nourished Child podcast episode on selective eating and autism with dietitian Rashelle Berry

This week on the show, I welcome Rashelle Berry, the Nutrition Manager at The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Multi-disciplinary Feeding Program.

She works with children and teenagers with developmental disabilities and medical complexities who typically have a diagnosis of avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. Her mission is to help more clinicians become skilled at working with children facing these challenges. 

[Download my FREE checklist How to Nourish a Healthy Child. It outlines the key nutrition, feeding and healthy habits every child needs to grow up healthy!]

Listen in as Rashelle shares her experiences and her unique approach to selective eating in autism and how parents can nourish their children in the best way possible. I can’t wait to share this episode with you to better prepare parents for the unique feeding and nutritional challenges that children with autism experience.

What You’ll Learn about Selective Eating and Autism:

  • Why children with autism are at such high risk for feeding disorders.
  • How Rashelle works with children on the ASD spectrum on eating new foods.
  • What drew Rashelle to working with children with autism and their parents.
  • How medication plays a role in the eating habits of children with autism.
  • Why a full gastrointestinal investigation could provide insight into the best diet for a child with autism.
  • Some of the nutritional deficiencies Rashelle sees in her work with children on the ASD spectrum.
  • How Rashelle suggests introducing new foods to children on the ASD spectrum.
  • Why not all behaviors and issues around food are directly related to a child’s autism.
  • How you can get involved in a feeding program like what Rashelle provides.
  • The signs and symptoms of autism.

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