
Kid Food with Bettina Seigal

Kid Food with Bettina Siegel

As we know, there are a whole host of products that are marketed as being suitable for children – restaurants have a children’s menu, and our supermarkets are full of food that is marketed with a sense of entertainment around it, coming in bright colors or appealing shapes. We call this “kid food.”

My guest this week is Bettina Siegel, mother of two, author of the book Kid Food, and blogger at The Lunch Tray. Bettina is here to discuss the reality of highly processed food (kid food) and how pervasive it is in our kids’ world today, and how parents can navigate raising healthy eaters in the face of all the food marketing our kids are exposed to.

[Download my FREE checklist How to Nourish a Healthy Child. It outlines the key nutrition, feeding and healthy habits every child needs to grow up healthy!]

When it comes to picky eaters, how the food industry advertises their products, and even the political motivation behind what is allowed into our children’s food, Bettina is the perfect person to discuss these issues on today’s show. Tune in for an eye-opening episode detailing the systematic hurdles that parents face when trying to provide their kids with a balanced diet.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How the types of food directed towards children has changed since restaurants started catering specifically to kids.
  • Why the way food is marketed directly to children has become so troubling for parents.
  • How food preferences are established during the very early years of a child’s development.
  • The marketing techniques that have exploited parents who are looking for solutions to difficult mealtimes.
  • How the foods advertized as a solution to picky eating may actually be exacerbating the issue.
  • What “Carnival Food” menus are and why they are so prominent in our school system.
  • How we could use our political system to change the way food is marketed to children.

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.