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Best Wishes for Health and Wellness, 2019

Happy New Year! I’m so happy to have you as part of The Nourished Child community, whether this is your first time listening or your seventy-fourth. Instead of giving you the typical New Year advice that centers on diets, exercise plans, and that type of thing, I’m sharing some tips on motivation, mindset, and how to master feeding your child. I start off with a few updates you can expect to hear in the podcast going forward – I’m going to be including more interviews with experts in the coming year and incorporating more stories into the show. I’d love to hear your Get Real stories, and you can find a link below if you’d like to share yours. [bctt tweet=”“If you have a growth mindset, you question things instead of acting like you know the answers. You value the process of learning, converting, and changing over perfection.” – Jill Castle” username=”pediRD”] Then I dive into some mental shifts that can profoundly affect your all-around health and wellness, especially related to feeding yourself and your family. I also cover the importance of cultivating a growth mindset, and how you can stay motivated to be the best parent and feeder you can be.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How a change in mindset can help you grow and transition with more ease and flexibility.
  • Why I recommend that you let it go if you have a bad feeding interaction with your child and instead focus on positive instances around feeding.
  • That learning how to feed your kids well requires you to learn new things and practice them simultaneously.
  • Tips for staying motivated on the journey to instilling healthy eating habits in your child.
  • Why considering how you want your children to remember you can help you stay motivated to be a great parent and feeder, even when things are tough.
  • Why a mix of short- and long-term goals is particularly good for maintaining motivation.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.