
Feeding Rules that Help Kids Eat Better

Feeding Rules that Help Kids Eat Better
The seeds of many of the health problems that occur in this country are sown from a young age, often the result of a lack of information. If there’s one thing I have learned in my years as a pediatric dietitian, it’s that parents don’t get important nutritional information early or often enough.
If we want our kids to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, we need to start with the very basics. A great place to start is with food rules.
This week on the podcast, we’re talking about implementing feeding rules to set your kids up in making positive food decisions that will hopefully stay with them for life.
I’m sharing the five feeding rules that I use with my clients and in my own home and I break them down so anyone can follow them. I also end the episode with one slightly more unconventional rule I want you to consider.
[bctt tweet=”“Children need a reminder of who’s in charge. When kids are running the roost, feeding almost always gets off track; eating can be all over the place, poor food choices are made and both of these are a recipe for poor nutrition or overeating.”” username=”pediRD”]
You may think that because I’m a nutrition professional all of this is second nature. However, in truth, a lot of these rules take real effort to implement and maintain.
Tune into this episode for a helping hand in understanding the challenges of staying in the role of nutrition leader in your family.
Want to nourish your child’s brain and body? Learn what and how to feed your ADHD child so you can promote the behavior, attention, and growth your child needs for optimal learning and daily functioning. The ADHD program is open – watch this free webinar!

What You’ll Learn about Feeding Rules:

  • 3 absolute requirements for feeding your child well.
  • Why flexibility helps when dealing with food boundaries.
  • 5 feeding rules that help kids eat better.
  • How the concept of a closed kitchen will support your child’s rhythmic appetite.
  • Why even the simplest feeding rules can make a huge difference.

Listen to the Full Episode:


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What does eating food in moderation really mean? Learn what it means to be balanced in feeding kids and eating.

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What Does Eating Food in Moderation Really Mean?

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.