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Should Kids Pack their Own Lunch for School?

Today, we’re taking on a back-to-school subject – packing lunches, and specifically whether or not your child should be independently packing their own lunch. The idea of letting your kids pack their own lunch might sound like too much freedom at first but stick with me here. I’m going to provide you with some tips to encourage your kids to make the right choices in packing their own lunch. This is something I had to do around the time I entered high school. Packing lunches is a true labor of love and I’m lucky enough to have time to do it for my kids, but having kids pack their own lunch regularly, or even occasionally, will help them better understand how to make food decisions. [bctt tweet=”“When you say ‘What do you want to put in your lunchbox?,’ it’s too open-ended and you’re going to lose the whole mojo behind guiding your child to make nutritious choices.”” username=”pediRD”] I also have a free lunch-packing system for you to download, giving you and your child the best chance at making this a functional change. Take a look at the resources listed below for some literature to refer to throughout this process. Want to nourish your child’s brain and body? Learn what and how to feed your child with ADHD so you can promote the behavior, attention, and growth your child needs for optimal learning and daily functioning. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why I believe it is worth making an attempt to help your kids pack their own lunch.
  • What you can do to assist your kids.
  • How this exposure can help your child develop.
  • Why even older kids require guidelines.
  • How you can make this process easier by planning ahead.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Make Dinner in Record Time with Toby Amidor

The Nourished Child podcast #66: How to Make Dinner in Record Time with Smart Meal Prep book and Toby Amidor