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Disappointment and Concern: The AAP Guidelines for Children with Larger Bodies

Jill Castle talks about the new AAP clinical practice guidelines for children with larger bodies.

The recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Practice guidelines for managing the disease of ob*sity in children and adolescents have been on the mind of many, including me, and have elicited various responses. While these guidelines are meant to help pediatricians identify and manage ob*sity in children and adolescents, I believe they fall short in many ways.

As a registered dietitian with over 30 years of experience, a mom of four children, and someone currently writing a book related to this subject, I feel a mix of disappointment and concern with the new AAP guidelines for children with larger bodies. On the one hand, I understand the importance of ensuring children’s health and well-being. On the other hand, they may perpetuate harmful size stigma and neglect the emotional and psychological impact on children and their families.

In this episode, I am eager to delve into this topic, my concerns and disappointments on the matter so we can better understand this critical issue. It’s essential to listen to the perspectives of parents, children, and healthcare professionals and work together to find solutions that support the well-being of every child.

Disappointment and concern: The AAP guidelines for children with larger bodies.

Check out my resource Teach Kids to Recognize True Hunger, At Any Age. This guide shows how to support babies, toddlers, kids, and teens in recognizing their appetite cues and developing healthy relationships with food.

What You Will Learn About Disappointment and Concern: The AAP Guidelines for Children with Larger Bodies

  • Why the guidelines fail to address the issue of body size stigma
  • Inadequacy of relying solely on weight-centric approaches like body mass index
  • Problems with viewing a person’s body size as a determinant or indicator of their health
  • Importance of behavior improvement versus body size change
  • The need for families to understand the risks and the potential long-term effects of pharmaceutical and surgical interventions
  • Why it is essential to focus on behavior change, not size

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.