Are You Setting Up the Healthy Habits Your Child Needs to Thrive?

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THRIVE Mastermind for Dietitians: A Mentoring Mastermind for the nutrition entrepreneur who has been working in the childhood and family healthcare space.

Whether you’re a private practitioner, blogger, online business owner, speaker or consultant, this 10-month program brings together smart, creative, nutrition professionals to identify niche expertise, share business ideas, map out a growth strategy so that your business grows into a viable, profitable endeavor.

As a budding entrepreneur, you know how hard it can be to make big decisions in your business, not to mention how lonely it can be as a solopreneur. 

My THRIVE Mastermind helps you figure out your zone of genius and translate that to the best business ideas and strategies to help you grow and develop your business model and next business move. 

Whether you are starting or expanding your practice, or venturing into a new revenue stream, business building is easier when you have support, guidance, and accountability at your fingertips.