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Super Healthy Meals with Super Healthy Kids

Super Healthy Meals with Amy and Natalie from Super Healthy Kids
Today on The Nourished Child Podcast, I’m talking to Amy Roskelley and Natalie Monson from Super Healthy Kids.
Super Healthy Kids is a tremendous resource, created by two real moms, offering recipes that encourage parents to share healthy meals with their kids in a variety of ways. One of my favorite things about the Super Healthy Kids’ website is their focus on raising adventurous eaters!
Amy and Natalie discuss their core beliefs around food and feeding children and how they incorporate them into their work at Super Healthy Kids. Their dedication to helping parents expand their idea of what constitutes healthy meals and a healthy relationship with food for their child is apparent in the inspiration they share in their meal plans and fresh dinner ideas.
Our conversation today emphasizes how parents can relax into the long-term goal of raising a well-nourished child rather than getting caught up in the minutia of day-to-day struggles around food choices and preferences.
[bctt tweet=”We love cooking and creating with our kids. If they want to make a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies, there’s more to it than just eating the cookie out of a box. There’s connection, there’s experience, there’s memories.” via @healthykids” username=”pediRD”]
If you’re in a rut, struggling to add variety and nutritious foods into your go-to meals, or frustrated by “picky eaters,” you don’t want to miss today’s episode. Learn important tips on how to structure the eating habits of your family into those that include balance, sensitivity, and adventure!

What You’ll Learn about Healthy Meals:

  • Why Amy and Natalie started Super Healthy Kids.
  • The Super Healthy Kids 3 core beliefs for nutrition for kids.
  • The importance of balance and focusing on what is included on your child’s plate instead of eliminating certain food groups.
  • How different personality types handle healthy eating and how you can individualize your approach to food based on your child’s personality.
  • The role of connection. community, and creating memories in building a healthy eating culture for your child.
  • Other reasons why kids may not be eating certain foods than being a “picky eater.”
  • How offering vegetables prepared in different ways can help your child learn to like them.
  • How to focus on your end goal rather than sweating the day-to-day eating habits of your child.
  • What’s on the horizon for Super Healthy Kids this year.

Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

Handouts: Baby Nutrients and Baby Feeding Methods

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.