
Climate Change & Greenhouse Gases with Frank Mitloehner

Do you ever feel confused about climate change? We are probably all familiar with the media warnings of impending climate change, but if you had to explain this to your child, could you?

I certainly couldn’t have before I met this week’s guest while he was speaking at a conference I attended earlier this year.

Understanding Climate Change & Greenhouse Gases

Dr. Frank Mitloehner, The Greenhouse Guru, is joining me on the podcast this week. He is a professor and air quality specialist in cooperative extension in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California Davis.

My hope is that you’ll get a better understanding of climate change, not only so you can practice Earth-sensitive behaviors, but you can also help your children understand the causes and potential impacts of climate change, too.

Tune in this week as Dr. Frank Mitloehner shares the wealth of his knowledge on climate change, what is causing it, and how the agricultural industry can actually serve as a solution.

Frank Mitloehner quote

Dr. Mitloehner is challenging the idea that a plant-based diet is the answer to climate change and sharing the environmental impact of food waste.

“If you run livestock right, if you use technologies and techniques that suppress methane, then you can actually make livestock a climate solution. You can generate a climate-neutral enterprise.” – Dr. Frank Mitloehner CLICK TO TWEET

[Download my FREE checklist How to Nourish a Healthy Child. It outlines the key nutrition, feeding and healthy habits every child needs to grow up healthy!]

What You’ll Learn about Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases:

  • A simple yet comprehensive definition of climate change, greenhouse gasses, and where they come from.
  • How climate change is affecting our planet.
  • The effects of our food system on the climate.
  • How the media largely ignores the positive contribution of agriculture and forestry on climate change.
  • Why methane produced by livestock is not the boogeyman it is portrayed to be.
  • How implementing agricultural efficiencies can actually instigate atmospheric cooling.
  • Signs that a plant-based diet is not the climate-savior it is touted as being.
  • The environmental impact of food waste.

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Jill Castle, MS, RD

I like empowering parents to help their children and teens thrive at every size with realistic advice centered on healthful habits around food, feeding, nutrition and health behaviors. As a pediatric dietitian and author, my goal is to share strategies and realistic advice to help you raise a healthy and happy child through my articles and podcast.